Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a mind body technique.  It is a proven technique that calms the body’s nervous system.  EFT is often referred to as a acupuncture without needles because you stimulate different meridians with your fingertips.

EFT is a technique based on the “ iscovery that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." Gary Craig.  The EFT Universe explains EFT by stating, “ clinical trials have shown that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidences that trigger emotional distress.”    

Whenever you think a negative emotion or you recall a negative experience that you have about yourself: it causes a feeling of unbalance.  The negative emotions that you have stop you from living your greatness.  This imbalance that you feel is rooted in the meridians of your energy system.  

Meridians are meant to flow freely but due to emotional or physical upsets they become disrupted.   These blockages affect you at a deep level often stopping you from achieving things you desire.

The tapping sends a vibration through the blocked meridian endings, which opens them up to flow more freely.  When you are flowing freely and have a sense of balance then you are more free to live your greatness and attract things you really want.

EFT will help you to regain the balance you need in your life to achieve success.  


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EFT universe is a resource for emotional freedom technique (EFT).